How lack are you in your password creation? If you have one of these worst passwords ever, a hacker can gain access in minutes. (like 1 or 2). And if you even use any word that is found in a common dictionary, a computer program (called a brute force hacker) can go through the entire dictionary in a very short time, and still gain access.
For a password to be secure, it should have capital letters (not just the 1st one) lower case, numbers, and if permitted, characters, and it should be at least 16 characters long to be secure. It’s not that hard, as the Chrome browser can remember all your passwords for you, and if you log in to your google account on any Chrome browser, your passwords will be there for you. (just don’t forget to log off when you’re done) …that way, the only hard one you have ot remember and keep secure, is your Google password.
Ready for the list? Here’s the worst of the bunch: (if you have one, you are dead in the water!)
1. 123456
2. password
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. 12345
6. 123456789
7. letmein
8. 1234567
9. football
10. iloveyou
11. admin
12. welcome
13. monkey
14. login
15. abc123
16. starwars
17. 123123
18. dragon
19. passw0rd
20. master
Remember, make sure your password can’t be located in a Dictionary! 🙂
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