Billing and Payments
This page has various options for pre-payment of services. Web type services are on the left, Device type services (computer, laptop, phone, printer) on the right.
Our payments go securely through the PayPal portal, but you DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL account to pay, just a card. (though you can use your PayPal account if you like)

…… to make your remote technical assistance of any kind go faster:
- You must have a working internet connection.
- Download and install AnyDesk on your (any) computer device. Choose the option on the left “Access Your Remote Desktop From Anywhere at Any Time” ; Then click the DOWNLOAD button, and choose the option “Access my computer at home” and you will get the free download. When you install it will ask you again what you are using it for, just select personal use. If you need help, click the chat button please.
- Whatever service you need, the minimum charge is $40. The hourly rates are $40 per hour, and there is a min charge of 1 hour. You can pay below, and this will expedite the process.
- If we are unable to meet your request or need, we are able to refund this charge, and that’s exactly what we do if we can’t help. We are PayPal verified, so your money is very safe.
So go ahead, it will move things along faster. Or, you can call and chat with us, or chat online…your choice. These instructions are for if you are in a hurry, and want to move things along faster. We would love to talk first if that is easier.
Make Payments for Any Services Below

(pay yearly)
- All Updates Performed Timely
- Regular DB Backups
- File & DB Backup Before Theme or Core Update
- Monthly File Backups
- Monitoring Theme and plugins for author ABANDONMENT
- Monitoring of Site UP-time
- New DB Backup for every content change
- AT LEAST Bi-Monthly File Backups
- Guaranteed Restoration of site if update breaks the site, or if site is hacked!!
- Guaranteed 2.5 hrs of work per month on site, which can roll over, and if not used on updates and backups, can be used for MINOR site edits!
(pay monthly)
- All Updates Performed Timely
- Regular DB Backups
- File & DB Backup Before Theme or Core Update
- Monthly File Backups
- Monitoring Theme and plugins for author ABANDONMENT
- Monitoring of Site UP-time
- New DB Backup for every content change
- AT LEAST Bi-Monthly File Backups
- Guaranteed Restoration of site if update breaks the site, or if site is hacked!!
- Guaranteed 2.5 hrs of work per month on site, which can roll over, and if not used on updates and backups, can be used for MINOR site edits!
(pay yearly)
- All Updates Performed Timely
- Regular DB Backups
- File & DB Backup Before Theme or Core Update
- Monthly File Backups
- Monitoring Theme and plugins for author ABANDONMENT
- Monitoring of Site UP-time
- New DB Backup for every content change
- AT LEAST Bi-Monthly File Backups
- Guaranteed Restoration of site if update breaks the site, or if site is hacked!!
- Guaranteed 2.5 hrs of work per month on site, which can roll over, and if not used on updates and backups, can be used for MINOR site edits!
(pay monthly)
- All Updates Performed Timely
- Regular DB Backups
- File & DB Backup Before Theme or Core Update
- Monthly File Backups
- Monitoring Theme and plugins for author ABANDONMENT
- Monitoring of Site UP-time
- New DB Backup for every content change
- AT LEAST Bi-Monthly File Backups
- Guaranteed Restoration of site if update breaks the site, or if site is hacked!!
- Guaranteed 2.5 hrs of work per month on site, which can roll over, and if not used on updates and backups, can be used for MINOR site edits!

IMPORTANT: These maintenace plan agreements are recurring payments. If you DO NOT wish to make recurring payments, please contact us, and we can set up with a 1-time payment that you will need to opt-in every year you want to keep it to pay. (so it won’t automatically renew) This is the only payment type that auto-renews.
If none of the other payment options on this page meet your need, you can use this one, and you can set your own amount with it.