Pricing Options
This is not all the prices, but just some of the ones that get asked for the most. There are also some package (annual) pricing for some website and/or PC maintenance agreements. Some things, like prices for full website development, require a consult and a quote, as every one is different. But I can tell you that you can get started for a low down-payment, and installments can be fit to suit any budget.
Website Maintenance Plans
(pay yearly)- All Updates Performed at least monthly
- Regular DB Backups
- File & DB Backup Before Theme or Core Update
- Monthly File Backups
- Monitoring Theme and plugins for author ABANDONMENT
- Monitoring of Site UP-time
- New DB Backup for every content change
- AT LEAST Monthly File Backups
- Guaranteed Restoration of site if update breaks the site, or if site is hacked!!
- Guaranteed 2.5 hrs of work per month on site, which can roll over, and if not used on updates and backups, can be used for MINOR site edits!
(pay monthly)- All Updates Performed at Least Monthly
- Regular DB Backups
- File & DB Backup Before Theme or Core Update
- Monthly File Backups
- Monitoring Theme and plugins for author ABANDONMENT
- Monitoring of Site UP-time
- New DB Backup for every content change
- AT LEAST Monthly File Backups
- Guaranteed Restoration of site if update breaks the site, or if site is hacked!!
- Guaranteed 2.5 hrs of work per month on site, which can roll over, and if not used on updates and backups, can be used for MINOR site edits!
(pay yearly)- All Updates Performed as close as possible to the time they are issued
- Regular DB Backups
- File & DB Backup Before Theme or Core Update
- Monthly File Backups
- Monitoring Theme and plugins for author ABANDONMENT
- Monitoring of Site UP-time
- New DB Backup for every content change
- AT LEAST Bi-Monthly File Backups
- Guaranteed Restoration of site if update breaks the site, or if site is hacked!!
- Guaranteed 2.5 hrs of work per month on site, which can roll over, and if not used on updates and backups, can be used for MINOR site edits!
(pay monthly)- All Updates Performed as close as possible to the time they are issued
- Regular DB Backups
- File & DB Backup Before Theme or Core Update
- Monthly File Backups
- Monitoring Theme and plugins for author ABANDONMENT
- Monitoring of Site UP-time
- New DB Backup for every content change
- AT LEAST Bi-Monthly File Backups
- Guaranteed Restoration of site if update breaks the site, or if site is hacked!!
- Guaranteed 2.5 hrs of work per month on site, which can roll over, and if not used on updates and backups, can be used for MINOR site edits!
Every Membership Includes

Responsive Sites
What does that mean? It means that your website will display properly across ALL devices and display sizes…it will “respond” to various display width changes. If the individual viewing your site ‘resizes’ the browser window, the site display will ‘respond’ and size-down and back up. Widths and fonts, everything changes to accomodate the view.

Full Customization
There has never been a design request that we weren’t able to implement. Whatever you want, we can do it, we WILL make it happen.

World Class Support
We are KNOWN for our immediate resonse time and same-day or < 24hour request implementations. Our customers are our primary concern, and our only goal is to serve you. Even if we don’t hear from you for 6-8 months, you can know that when you pick up the phone, we will be on the other end, cheerful and ready to assist.

3rd Party Support
In the VERY rare occasion you need some type of sophisticated programming in a time crunch, we will reach out to our extensive community and find you the right help. We will never turn you away, make you wait, or say “no” because we can’t do it. We will get it done for you, one way or another.

Updates & Fixes
All of our monthly maintenace plans get regular updates, usually monthly, but security updates will be done immediately, and all updates will also get a backup. We backup all your files AND your database on a regular basis. Even if you don’t have the COMPLETE maintenance plan that covers site restoration, we will still have the ability to restore your site if it gets hacked or if an update brings it down, you just need to pay for the restoration if you don’t have that plan. (You can also upgrade your plan at any time)

Regular Backups
We will backup your site on a very freguent, regular basis. We can roll your site back to another state, date, or time, or undo actions takens, among other things. We will backup your files, your database, and any other ‘special’ features like tables, or sliders, any website item that has it’s own settings for backup. You are never without backups with our maintenance plan. If your site breaks, or gets hacked, we can always restore it for you. If you have the complete plan, your site will probably be repaired and put back without you even knowing it’s down.

We ‘accurately’ document everything we do…and the time it takes to do it. Anytime we work on your site/computer/whatever, we always make notes. Notes of things that happened, notes that can make things better, when we started, when we finished, even when we were interupted from working for long phone call or email. We are very diligent about this.

Built In Analytics
Your website will always be set up with both Google AND BING before we deliver it. You can always look at your analytics reports on your site after we are done.
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