HTTPS-Secure[edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= “rollIn” entry_delay= “0.5” entry_duration= “1.5” entry_timing= “ease” exit_animation_type= “” exit_delay= “” exit_duration= “” exit_timing= “” animation_repeat= “1” keep= “yes” animate_on= “load” scroll_offset= “” custom_css_class= “”][edsanimate_end]You probably heard about this, but probably thought what happened was already done and over with. It’s not. There is an October deadline when all Google (I.E. CHROME) browsers will flag all non-SSL sites as insecure. In order to not be flagged you will need to have a certificate installed, activated, and configured so your site redirects to a HTTPS:// URL prefix instead of HTTP. If you want to read an article about it, here’s one (you can Google it and find more I’m sure) google-reminds-website-owners-to-move-to-https-before-october . It is supposed to only flag websites that have password or credit card form fields on the site.

But, it is also important to recognize that even if you don’t have password or credit card form data fields on your website, it is still beneficial to install SSL on your site for the SEO benefit alone. If Google is penalizing the page rank for non-encrypted sites, and they are, you really can not afford to not install it, can you? Do you want to be on page 4 or 5 when people search for your type of business on Google? Because if you don’t put SSL, your website will go to the end of the list. Sorry. Don’t shoot the messenger.

There are many different types of SSL certificates out there that you can get for a whole range of prices, ranging from $10 to $500, depending on your need. The ones that come from your host tend to cost more. If you just want a cheap one, you can get one here: . The $4.99/yr one is only if you purchase that cert for 3 years, for around $15 total. If you just get it for one year, it’s $8.95 I think.

Everything I.T. will install one for $75.