by Oxnard I.T. | Aug 11, 2021 | general, internet stuff, Modern, programming, Web Development, Wordpress, wordpress
if you haven’t updated your website to version 8.0 yet, you should. It came out early this year. There should not be anything in it that would break a site. The first main reason you should update is that support has ALREADY ended for versions 7.1 and 7.2 and and is in the timeline (the clock is running) until support for version 7.3 will also be ended. I updated 4 sites today without a glitch on any of them.
Some of the newer additions are the JIT compiler, which should add a little speed to your site, “union types” which is an interesting coding feature that allows more than 1 type to be used in conjunction, and “attributes” which now allows you to add meta data to a class. Also added are “name arguments”, a “match” expression which is like a super switch element, Constructor properties have also received a “step-up” in the game. There are new return types, and many other fun toys you will like if you are a programmer.
If you are not a programmer, you will just enjoy the added abilities it will give your site for any new code that is written in PHP 8.0, and the updates are likely coming if they are not already here, so you want your back-end to have the necessary tools to comply any new theme or plugin updates that are using it. If you don’t update the code version in your hosting environment, you can’t benefit fully from some of the updates.
If you are not a “techie” but you still want to benefit from this new update, give Everything I.T. a call, and let them safely backup your site and do the upgrade for you, or better yet, consider one of their annual maintenance plans.
by E.I.T. Author | Apr 4, 2018 | Blog, internet stuff, Web Development, wordpress
Another WordPress CORE update came out yesterday, PASS IT ON! haha…
Seriously, they do come out regularly. Do you have yours set to “automatically” update. I don’t. It’s probably more work the way I do it, because I do full file and database backup before updating the core files, …and while I have never needed that backup yet, it’s just my luck that the second I stop backing up first, an update will surely bring down my site and I won’t have the means to restore it, so my “automatic” feature, is turned off. How about you? Do you do your own? Do you have someone else do them? Do you ignore them altogether? (We do have an annual service that is very reasonable if you want them done “for” you…with backups first. Just get a hold of me on the contact page, or chat, or voicemail, or however you like really.
Anyway, back to the update. This update fixes 28 bugs, and some major security updates.
WordPress versions 4.9.4 and earlier are affected by three security issues. As part of the core team’s ongoing commitment to security hardening, the following fixes have been implemented in 4.9.5:
- Don’t treat
as same host by default.
- Use safe redirects when redirecting the login page if SSL is forced.
- Make sure the version string is correctly escaped for use in generator tags.
Twenty-five other bugs were fixed in WordPress 4.9.5. Particularly of note were:
- The previous styles on caption shortcodes have been restored.
- Cropping on touch screen devices is now supported.
- A variety of strings such as error messages have been updated for better clarity.
- The position of an attachment placeholder during uploads has been fixed.
- Custom nonce functionality in the REST API JavaScript client has been made consistent throughout the code base.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2. (Aaron D. Campbell, 4-3-2018, “WordPress 4.9.5 Security and Maintenance Release” )
If you want to read the full Release Notes, you can read those here:
If you subscribe to my blog, or my facebook page, I do try to put out a notice for all “important” WordPress updates and/or changes, so follow if it makes life easier for you. 🙂
by E.I.T. Author | Dec 21, 2017 | Blog, Computers, Email, general, internet stuff, Security, viruses, Web Development, wordpress
The office will be closed from December 22nd until Jan 2nd, although I could be available as early as December 30th. Leaving town for Christmas. Although ALL remote services will still be available. I’m just not taking any jobs that require me “physically” being there, or any equipment/laptop drop-offs. I will however have a computer with me, and will answer all emails and texts, and will be able to perform any remote services, like Windows issues, Website issues, etc. …any of the things I would normally do remotely. So please don’t hesitate to call just because the hours say closed, there was no field to add an explanation on Yelp or Facebook.

by E.I.T. Author | Nov 16, 2017 | Blog, Computers, hacking, internet stuff, programming, Security, Web Development, Wordpress, wordpress
Be sure to update your WordPress sites and keep them secure. (and get all the wonderful additional features they add in major version releases). Today version 4.9, nick-named “Tipton” was released. It has a lot of new features, new widgets, a lot of customizer improvements, coding enhancements, and much more, GO READ ABOUT IT if you are interested. It is sitting there on your dashboard, waiting for you to run the update, so take the 5 minutes and go do it. Don’t forget to backup both the files and the database first, so if something on your site for some reason is not compatible, you can restore it to the prior configuration.
If you need any help, Everything I.T. has wonderfully affordable WordPress annual maintenance packages that cover updating and backups, and in some cases restoration from a successful hack. (If someone hacks your site, we’ll put it back for you, a feature of the advanced maintenance package) We can also install SSL on your site for around $75, and we also have a full security configuration as well that covers putting a firewall, setting blocking of known blacklists, and about 30 other deterrent features that are wonderful, and entirely worth the price. CALL TODAY!
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