by E.I.T. Author | May 16, 2017 | Blog, Computers, Security, Web Development
This is just a courtesy post. WordPress 4.7.5 which is a security release, is out today. And with all the new crazy malware and ransomware out on the internet spreading like crazy right now, you need all the security you can get, so go update right away, and stay safe!
by E.I.T. Author | Apr 10, 2017 | Blog, Computers, Email, general, hacking, internet stuff, phishing, Security, viruses, Web Development
I get calls all the time from people who have simple questions…How do I do something on Facebook? How do I do something online? What would be the best or cheapest solution to my problem? Etc, etc. Everything I.T. is a business that cares about people. We are a business, yes, but there are many things you just shouldn’t have to pay for, …and general assistance is one of them. We aren’t going to take your money if we can help you save it. There are too many people trying to take every darn penny you earn for stuff that we, as human beings, should do for each other. I see so many places “charging” to support their own customers…people who have already purchased their products, and I for one, find it distasteful and appalling! So Everything I.T. now has a help forum. If you want to ask a question, please ask it there, so that others can benefit as well from your question and the answer that goes with it. (Didn’t they tell you all through school that there is NO SUCH THING as a stupid question?) …It’s true. When you ask a question, you actually help others as well who may not have the words to ask, or who may be too embarrassed. It’s a simple sign-up, and it’s encrypted so your email doesn’t get hacked. (in fact our entire site is encrypted!) So just go to the help forum, and post your question, and we will try to answer it as soon as possible. And if you read something I answer, and have a better answer, you can sign up to respond as well. so don’t be shy because you are the first one to post. I imagine on every forum that started, someone went first at some point. 🙂
You there is 1 topic started, only to make it easy for someone not so technical I guess…all you have to do is hit reply. But you are most welcome to start your own topic if you want. Anything not X-rated (this is an under-13 approved site) or illegal is welcome.
by E.I.T. Author | Mar 27, 2017 | Blog, internet stuff, Web Development
I’ve been using this plugin for a few years now, and I must say, it’s the very best anti-spam plugin on the market. It’s not free, but it’s not expensive either. The plugin is called Cleantalk. You are going to want to go HERE to get Cleantalk, or check it out. The spam blocker works on all sign-in pages, forms, and everything that takes input…and it’s got a firewall, so it blocks both IP addresses and email addresses…it’s very effective. I have never liked Akismet, and those captcha things are a pain in the butt in my opinion, so I don’t trouble my viewers with captchas when they register. I don’t need to. Check it out!
by E.I.T. Author | Dec 21, 2016 | Blog, Computers, internet stuff, Security, Web Development
If you have a website, you may have not even considered getting it rated as secure by the many website security rating systems that are out there, that display a security symbol next to your search results in Google & Bing. It looks something like this (this is Norton’s)
There are many of them, but the most popular ones are Norton’s Safe Web, WOT (web of trust), McAfee’s Site Advisor, Trend Micro’s “Trend Secure” …and so many others.
To get this, you would need to submit your site (and only the owner can do it)to Norton (or whichever rating service) for review, and then they give it that little green box stamp of approval next to the URL in the search results. For Norton’s Safeweb, You can submit it here: There are others also, if you want to deal with all of them, I don’t know, (I recommend doing as many as you can) but there is also Web of Trust (WOT), Webutation ( ) McAfee Site Advisor (now called web advisor I think) (, AVG Threat Labs (, Trend Micro’s TrendProtect, ( …and I’m sure there are others. I think Norton, Web of Trust, and Site/Web Advisor are the most commonly used ones.
Here’s a list of a few more if you’re interested:
Get your site that little green safe icon, because without it, you may just be losing traffic!
by E.I.T. Author | Dec 21, 2016 | Blog, Computers, internet stuff, Web Development
Do I know what they are? No, I don’t. I only that today is day 1, and today’s special is 50% off on all their hosting plans. So for a small site on their starter hosting plan, you can get it for $4 month, which works out to $48 for the first year, which is a very good price for hosting. I’ve been with them almost 10 years now…and I haven’t found a reason to leave. They have 24/7 support as well. Check it out here: GODADDY HOSTING PLANS ON SALE!
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