by E.I.T. Author | Dec 8, 2018 | Blog, Christmas, Computers, Email, general, Gift Certificate, hacking, internet stuff, local news, Product, Security, Shopping, viruses, Web Development
Everything I.T.’s gift certificates make the perfect Christmas (or other occassion) gift for the person that is difficult to buy for, because they can be used for so many different things. If the recipient is non-technical, they can be used to set up email, for computer tutoring or training, or for remote technical assistance if they get in a jam they just can’t resolve on their own. It can be used for a computer repair, for home or business. For the more technical person, it can be used for computer hardware upgrades (for your favorite gamer) like graphic cards, hard drives, extra memory, or whatever. It can use used to help them get that website going that they know they need but haven’t been able to afford, or if they already have one, they can get upgrades to it, or even an annual maintenance contract. The best part is, …you don’t have to choose. You just chip in, purchase the gift certificate, and let them use it however they want! It’s perfect really…There are very few people who can’t find some use for it. You can purchase the gift certificate for any amount you choose, from $35 and up. ($35.00 is still the minimum 1 hour rate for any job) It’s perfect for young and old alike. I tutor students, and work with seniors, I’m very patient, and can help anyone who needs it to adapt to the technical era. Get one today!
by E.I.T. Author | Dec 21, 2017 | Blog, Computers, Email, general, internet stuff, Security, viruses, Web Development, wordpress
The office will be closed from December 22nd until Jan 2nd, although I could be available as early as December 30th. Leaving town for Christmas. Although ALL remote services will still be available. I’m just not taking any jobs that require me “physically” being there, or any equipment/laptop drop-offs. I will however have a computer with me, and will answer all emails and texts, and will be able to perform any remote services, like Windows issues, Website issues, etc. …any of the things I would normally do remotely. So please don’t hesitate to call just because the hours say closed, there was no field to add an explanation on Yelp or Facebook.

by E.I.T. Author | Apr 10, 2017 | Blog, Computers, Email, general, hacking, internet stuff, phishing, Security, viruses, Web Development
I get calls all the time from people who have simple questions…How do I do something on Facebook? How do I do something online? What would be the best or cheapest solution to my problem? Etc, etc. Everything I.T. is a business that cares about people. We are a business, yes, but there are many things you just shouldn’t have to pay for, …and general assistance is one of them. We aren’t going to take your money if we can help you save it. There are too many people trying to take every darn penny you earn for stuff that we, as human beings, should do for each other. I see so many places “charging” to support their own customers…people who have already purchased their products, and I for one, find it distasteful and appalling! So Everything I.T. now has a help forum. If you want to ask a question, please ask it there, so that others can benefit as well from your question and the answer that goes with it. (Didn’t they tell you all through school that there is NO SUCH THING as a stupid question?) …It’s true. When you ask a question, you actually help others as well who may not have the words to ask, or who may be too embarrassed. It’s a simple sign-up, and it’s encrypted so your email doesn’t get hacked. (in fact our entire site is encrypted!) So just go to the help forum, and post your question, and we will try to answer it as soon as possible. And if you read something I answer, and have a better answer, you can sign up to respond as well. so don’t be shy because you are the first one to post. I imagine on every forum that started, someone went first at some point. 🙂
You there is 1 topic started, only to make it easy for someone not so technical I guess…all you have to do is hit reply. But you are most welcome to start your own topic if you want. Anything not X-rated (this is an under-13 approved site) or illegal is welcome.
by E.I.T. Author | Apr 28, 2016 | Blog, Computers, Email
I am FOREVER answering questions about email. And email explanations are usually lengthy. I get questions like “how to share an email address with my spouse” and set it up right…or, “How to set my email address up on my phone, tablet, AND computer so that it ‘does such and such’ or ‘doesn’t do such and such’ ” and how to set it up so that no emails are lost, folders are sync’ed, calendars are sync’ed, etc, etc.
Well, I found this excellent blog post that someone has already written for me. And since I can’t steal it (because that would not be ethical) and repost it here, and since it has really nice pictures to explain everything since so many people don’t want to take the time to read, cause that takes forever, I thought I would just send you there. Hope you don’t mind going to another site to read it:
How Do I Deal with One Email Account On Two Machines?
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