The BEST VPN (virtual PRIVATE network)

So, I did a short blog post about the new ruling that releases the FCC from the responsibility of requiring your ISP (internet service providers) from getting permission to share your data, right? (read 2 posts back for the post) Well, the senate voted and passed it, and as far as I know, Trump hasn’t vetoed it. So now, your ISP can SELL all your data…if you read the article, you can get an idea of just how much they can do with it. And like me, you may think “well that’s just too much work, who is going to track all that little details of information on every citizen?” …right? That would just be crazy, right? …!WRONG! There are whole huge buildings of data centers everywhere! Just storing all of this data on people …In one post, I showed you a picture (old now) of Facebook’s data center, and just how many servers and drives it has…and they are just one company on one website. There are hundreds, if not more of them, just like that, or larger. And now, AI (artificial intelligence) is a reality. Computer programs can collect, sort, and process all that data about your daily lives, every citizen in the blink of an eye with very little effort. VPNs (virtual private network) didn’t used to really be necessary…but they kind of are now. I found a decent one that is fairly cheap, and it doesn’t seem to slow my system down at all. Check it out…I like it. I used to use it just for file-sharing, but now I use it a lot more. IT’s called Express VPN.  Give it a try! You can get it here! (just click that link)

Useful Tools: Google Guide

So OK, today I was working on improving my “white hat” SEO skills, and I ran across something in all my searches, and all my thousands of hours online I had never seen before. (It happens :-b) It’s called “Google Guide” and it has all kinds of amazing tools for using Google to search. I was always aware that there were special operators you could use to write more complicated searches, but I never really bothered to learn them…but I had no idea there were actually algorithm keywords and syntax’s to do very sophisticated searches, and that all I had to do was bookmark it to become an immediate “search genius!” …So that’s what I did. Here are some of the interesting things you can find on Google Guide:

New Law allows your ISP to collect and SELL ‘ALL’ Your Data!

Trump just signed a new law that repeals the old one that was supposed to put privacy restrictions on your data, and can now collect ALL your browsing history, and sell it to the highest bidder. This is a terrible move on Trump’s part. Looks like he may not be a politician, but he is still in the pockets of big business. Read the whole article here on Techrepublic’s site:

Best Spam plugin for WordPress

I’ve been using this plugin for a few years now, and I must say, it’s the very best anti-spam plugin on the market. It’s not free, but it’s not expensive either. The plugin is called Cleantalk. You are going to want to go HERE to get Cleantalk, or check it out. The spam blocker works on all sign-in pages, forms, and everything that takes input…and it’s got a firewall, so it blocks both IP addresses and email addresses…it’s very effective. I have never liked Akismet, and those captcha things are a pain in the butt in my opinion, so I don’t trouble my viewers with captchas when they register. I don’t need to. Check it out!

Finally! It’s about time the public got retribution from Microsoft!

If you experience heartache over the Windows 10 upgrade, it may be the time to push the issue. There is now a class action lawsuit against the software giant over unwanted consequences from the unwanted upgrade, and people are winning. Read about THIS class action lawsuit which has a good chance of succeeding, as a precedence has already been set by this small claims lawsuit that awarded this travel agent $10,000.00 . Were you severely inconvenience also, and did you have to put out to get your computer fixed? Then what are you waiting for? Go get in on the action…they really have it coming to them, in my opinion, for putting out a Windows Update of a complete operating system upgrade that people had absolutely no knowledge of…yes, I am now a Windows 10 user, only by necessity because the rest of the known digital almost all have it, and I need to be knowledgeable to stay in business, but that doesn’t mean I approve about how they went about, or even like it really. Luckily, I blocked, and waited, and so I had no issues, but I know how many did…I got the calls. Wow. And I feel for you guys. It was difficult to charge people, because well, I have a heart, and I hated that they did that to the public…so if you can get something back, I want you do know about it.